Materials for Reading Workshop for Advanced (B2+ - C2): Books


Parting from the use of books, we will start an entertaining and hard-working journey using our English. The people in the group and I will guide, assist, inspire you.

Fear or boredom are no options, and resourcefulness, curiosity, reasoning, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork skills are developed, while interesting activities and wonderful individual and team projects are created, worked on, shared and given feedback.

Brochure. The Reading Workshop for Advanced (B2+ - C2): Books

For Intensive Reading Aloud Practice

In each face-to-face session, learners will read aloud what they have been practicing during the previous week. Practicing reading aloud is crucial for a number of language and communicative skills, and it’s rewarding when you can share what you have practiced because performances are always amazing.

We Should All Be Feminists

Materials for Book Projects

Depending on groups' decisions, whether to choose one book for all to continue reading aloud in class, while working on the book project and tasks at home, or else to choose a book among the three suggested, so that different people work on different books and the whole learns about them all, the materials we would be using are the following...


Under construction!!!
(to be published in March 2022)

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